Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Ode to May 28th

Maybe it was the air that night
Maybe it was your hair that night
Maybe it was because we graduated 8 hours earlier
Maybe it was the view
Maybe it was the wishbone stick we broke 
Maybe it was my wish coming true
Maybe it was the future calling to us

Mine 34 days away 
And yours 10 days away and in our sight

Maybe it was the lung heaving and heart beating
Lung heaving because it stole our moment's breath 
And made our moment's heart skip
Oh and because we were hiking hardcore. 

Mom said it was about time
Dad said he figured we would happen 

Maybe it was driving the loop that night going hard to our music 
Maybe it was all the "wait"ing our "bonfire hearts" went through 
Maybe it was when you said you'll miss seeing me everyday and how you praise us
Maybe it was how you said my eyes are perfect and how we are perfect and how this was perfect
Maybe it was the atmosphere and how we couldn't shake it if we wanted 
Maybe it was that moment
Maybe it was that moment I went to hold your hand
Maybe it was the fence with our elbows on it
Maybe it's because all of this feels right

One thing is for sure: our checks are sore from smiling so much.


  1. the lines about the perfect stuff. that had me snapping haha. this was too good jake!

  2. I love this Jake. You're a wonderful writer and I adore you:). I'll miss you when you go, but I know you'll change the world!
