Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Think I've Found It...

We occasionally catch a glimpse of it.
This thing called life.
I've found it in a song, in a sunset, and a sonnet.
If there is one thing I know it's this:

Life is beauty.

It's when life gets hard, we see the beauty.
It never tires of reminding you.
I was drowning in calculus,
derivatives swam in my head,
my heart pumped pressure through my veins,
my body walked to his car,
my eyes lifted to the sky,

then I saw it.

I saw the sunset.
Glowing, dying orange, splotched the fading,
night approaching sky.
As the mountains shrank in reverent respect
I learned perfect beauty becomes visible,
when life becomes harder.

I write the purpose of life
because life has a purpose.
Life is a smile,
life is growth,
life is discovery,
life is rediscovery,
life is daydreaming,
life is vitality,
life is breathtakingly beautiful.
Life is beauty, and I'll write for her.

Life is the ideal
I life for.
I am Walter Mitty.


  1. Let's figure out life this semester. That sounds like a noble purpose. Screw English credit. Let's do this.

  2. Life is beautiful and so is this. I'm a fan!!

  3. "I learned perfect beauty becomes visible when life gets harder." Truer words couldn't be spoken.

  4. life is beauty and ill write for her. i loved this line its the perfect definition of it

  5. Life is the ideal. So well written.

  6. "I was drowning in Calculus,
    Derivatives swam in my head"


  7. "Life is beauty, and I'll write for her"
    Mmhmmmm! Love your words.
    Excited to hear more from you, welcome to paris.
