Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Notes to people who will never read them

-Dear black guy in the white suit who tripped in the uptown funk music video, I noticed.
-Dear mop top kid in my creative writing class, I hope I've made you feel comfortable.
-Dear Chase and Caleb, I met you because of Sam, I hope you feel like I like you.
-Dear muscly kid who drives an A Plus, thank you for your perspective.
-Dear silver haired man that cares, thanks for caring.
-Brother Durant, I hope you don't notice my eyes when they shut for more than a few seconds, I'm trying to be respectful.
-Dear career stereotypes about scientists and engineers and the marketers, some may be true, but character is what counts.
-Dear pencil-drilled holes in desks, I don't know what amount of pain or boredom birthed your existence.
-Dear kid who doesn't know how he smells, I don't mind because I know your past, I just hope others choose to understand too.
-Dear Melodians and Toots & Maytals, I recognize you.
-Dear white iPhone case and Dear Giraffe iPhone case, please be grateful that virtuous young daughters of God hold you in their hands.
-Dear people who have snarked at my journal entry on page 12, I'm a little self-conscious of writing in purple now.
-Dear purple pen I write with, I'll still write with you because you make me feel sensitive, self-conscious, and vulnerable. Because you remind me of killing me in that purple long sleeve shirt, and a month.
-Dear pulsing gold pants that are on the father's dancing hips, you left me speechless.
-Dear camera man with the camo pants, long sleeve jean shirt, and forest green beret; thanks for filming Frank's dunk against AF.
-Dear Grand Poobah, you're the successor to ISIS, you're a terrorist, and I believe that is wrong. But you do have a pretty cool name :)
-Dear people who know my pen name, I sometimes have to filter stuff for you, sometimes I don't.


  1. I loved these. You did it absolutely correct. My favorite was the holes in the desks. I'd never think to write to inanimate things.

  2. I'm sitting in Durrants class right now hahaha. this made me laugh, and I also loved the part about the holes in the desk. "I don't know what amount of pain or boredom birthed your existence" lololololololol

  3. This is very insightful and light. Also, I hope you don't feel like you have to filter stuff!

  4. This was great. Always right in purple. It's better that way.

  5. The holes in the desk was beautiful. Just because people know your pen name doesn't mean you need to filter it. Keep going!

  6. 1. "Dear kid who doesn't know how he smells, I don't mind because I know your past, I just hope others choose to understand too." I love this. Partially because I relate, partially because I wish everyone would be understanding.

    2. Everyone knew my pen name when I was writing about missing my ex who was dating someone from my class and not holding back was the greatest thing I ever did.

    3. I would recommend either darkening your font color, the text box background or choosing a new background, It's hard to read your posts!

    1. Thanks so much for the legit feedback. I'll do that.
