Sunday, March 15, 2015

Things I Know.

-Ask and ye shall receive, works.
-We are youth of a noble birthright.
-We are children of God and He has a work for us to do.
-God has deeper purposes that we sometimes fail to see when things don't "go right."
-Life is more than just being born, working, surviving, and then dying. Life has a meaning.
-Doing things the Lord's way instead of our way is always what is best for us.
-Following a prompting from the Holy Ghost is always the right thing to do. It will always bring us closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.
-Trust in our Heavenly Father to guide us, help us, and take care of us; because He is Heavenly Father, and He will never let us down. He wants the best for us.
-We can trust in God. Because he is God.

These things I know.

And you can know too if you just ask Him, and then trust in His timing.


  1. ya know what, walter mitty? the past couple months ive been conviced boys like you don't exist. and just this weekend ive been starting to question that. and reading this makes me question it even more. i hope one day we can meet, if only to prove me wrong.

    idk. maybe this comment sucked. but this post was good in more ways that one and i just want you to know that

    1. This is funny now, and a tad ironic... because you've know each other all year.

  2. I finally watched "the secret life of Walter Mitty" and I respect your name now
